Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Steam and Aether setting revealed.

Meanwhile on my other blog......


Over the last few months many of you will have followed my miniatures project over on Kickstarter. Over that time I've been musing over and planning out the background story and game world for my ongoing project. To compliment the miniatures that I have sculpted I wanted to create a new setting, separate from traditional Victorian Scifi and still different from the newer and established steampunk settings. So with the the concepts and story all set out I decided to approach a professional writer to coalesce my imaginings into a solid backstory. Mark Latham has done a marvellous job for translating my ideas, approaching the subject matter with great enthusiasm. I'll be publishing the backstory over the next week starting today. I hope everyone that decides to follow it enjoys what we have created. The next stage is the continued development and playtesting of the Steam and Aether ruleset, if you want to stay abreast of what I've got coming then please follow the blog and I'll keep you all updated.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

I've decided to go to Kickstarter to fund the release of my whole range of miniatures at once. These can be used as either two distinct armies or with a little imagination fit into many different settings. Most of the miniatures are already sculpted so there's little ambiguity between what you're pledging for and what you will actually receive, for what isn't sculpted there's similar figures already cast, with no concept art or renders to cross your fingers over.

My miniatures have all been sculpted with optional heads making them extremely flexible in their application to many game worlds, take a look at the painted samples below to see how versatile they really are. That being said I primarily designed the miniatures to fit with the world setting of the wargame "Steam & Aether" that I am currently writing. See the images above to see them kitted out as British and Prussian soldiers.

This is only the first wave of releases to support my new business and coming games system. I plan to release all of my rules on free PDFs updated with each release. And expand to more factions and machines over the coming months. Thanks to every one that has helped contribute towards my venture and to those backing this project.

Find the campaign at: Kickstarter

Follow me on Facebook: Facebook

Please reblog, please share! :)

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Meridian Miniatures VSF/Steampunk now on Facebook.

Over the last few months I have been working on my own range in my spare time, evenings and weekends. I intend to launch it soon, by June with luck. Here is the original sculpt that all of my "dolly" parts have been based on.

I will post important updates here as and when, in the meantime drop over to my Facebook page for regular updates.

Thursday, 3 January 2013