Friday, 5 December 2014

Online store now up.

Hi everyone, Just  a quick note to say that I now have an online store for Meridian Miniatures. The complete Steam & Aether range from my first KS is now available to the general public. I will be updating with the Chibi Tooth & Sword figures in the new year, go check it out at:
Meridian Miniatures

Monday, 15 September 2014

Interdimensional Bestiary Kickstarter.

Hello followers and anyone else that has gotten lost and ended up in my little corner of the web.

This morning I launched my latest Kickstarter campaign and it's gone very well indeed, I got all carried away and forgot to post here! Better late than never, it's only been a few hours after all, here are the details:

The project is live and can be found here: ... l-bestiary
Just over a year ago, with the help of many generous backers, I successfully funded my "Steampunk Army" campaign to produce miniatures for my Steam & Aether game setting. Since then the backstory for my Victorian sci fi world has grown, unveiling a rich setting that demmands to be populated.

The first monster that I have chosen to create is this horrifically tentacled maritime mass, dubbed "Aequatherium Magnus", of the many concepts and sketches that I have compliled I felt that it was the most versatile in that it has plenty of scope for use outside of the Steam & Aether setting. I can imagine it being used in plenty of other sci fi/fantasy/mythos games.

Of course, in the Steam & Aether setting someone needs to step up to the challenge of defeating such a monster, each side needs it's steampunk monster hunters to take to the tabletop! Both of these 28mm scale miniatures are cast in high quality resin and are timed limited figures available for the KS campaign, only seeing general release one year from campaign end.

After the success of my custom pledge level on the the previous "Tooth & Sword" campaign I've decided to add the same to Of course, in the Steam & Aether setting someone needs to step up to the challenge of defeating such a monster, each side needs it's steampunk monster hunters to take to the tabletop! Both of these 28mm scale miniatures are cast in high quality resin and are timed limited figures available for the KS campaign, only seeing general release one year from campaign end.

After the success of the custom figure pledge level on my previous "tooth & Sword" campaign, I've decided to do the same here, see the rewards section and FAQs for detail.

Thanks to all that decide to pledge on this more modest campaign, I'm only running it for two weeks so would appreciate you sharing it where ever you can.

Andrew May, Meridian Miniatures.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Tooth & Sword now on Kickstarter.

So busy promoting these that I forgot to post here! Better late than never though.....

 I've been working on these figures since before Christmas in my spare moments from full time commission sculpting. It's been great fun coming up with these figures and I'm really happy that I can finally share them with you. For those of you that don't know, the Meridian Miniatures team consists of just me with a little help from some talented folk providing artwork, graphics and so on. There's no design team or international manufacturing partners, I just want to share the best figures I can with those that really want to own them. To that end I've sculpted all of the figures myself and I'm having the casting handled by some of the UK's best firms, both metal and traditional resin options are provided, no crossing your fingers over novel or unfamiliar materials. This is a modest campaign, I'm not hoping to race through endless "stretch goal" figures but I am hoping to be able to give away all sorts of printed goodies and more should we raise enough to allow me to. Being a one man band I need all the help that I can to promote the campaign so please, if you can, spread the word, share on social media and any forums you frequent.
Many, many thanks.